Social Innovation
We work with social innovation on many different levels – we run an Incubation Centre, we franchise voluntary initiatives and we test new models of funding.
Social Impact Bonds – Payment by Result
This business model creates opportunities for new ways of cooperation, development and funding of social projects.Social Impact Bonds is a model, where the public sector, private investors and third parties, e.g. NGO’s, cooperate to solve social challenges, which the public sector cannot invest in alone.
At the Foundation for Social Responsibility we are testing and implementing the model, Payment by Result, where private investors take on the financial risk while a governmental institution, e.g. a municipality, pays for the results.
The Incubation Centre - from idea to sustainable concept
If you have a good idea for a social initiative, you can join our Incubation Centre where we will assess and develop your idea.
At the Foundation for Social Responsibility we wish to support innovation and new development within the field of voluntary social organisations. We want to work towards creating more sustainable social initiatives through structuring and professionalisation. Furthermore, we aim to use our experience and knowledge to help smaller organisations.
We want to focus on the best ideas, organise them and develop franchise-like concepts that are scalable and has a documented positive effect on society. Visionary voluntary social initiatives can attend our Incubation Centre, if they need help to qualify and develop their concepts. The Incubation Centre aims to create fully fledged and sustainable social initiatives with the potential to become nation-wide and help vulnerable target groups.
Many of our initiatives are run as franchise-like concepts. This is a new way of thinking, when it comes to voluntary social initiatives. The conceptualisation of our initiatives has made a big difference for us as an organisation, as we have transformed ourselves from a project-organisation to an operating-organisation. This means that we replicate concepts across sectors and focus on initiatives, where we can document a positive effect.
The franchise-model is paramount when it comes to evaluation and documentation.
Almost all our initiatives are active nation-wide and are run the same way across the country. Because of this, it is possible to measure the effect accurately across all locations. Furthermore, our volunteers know exactly what they sign up for – no matter where in the country they live.
The franchise-concepts consists of a free “starter kit” that is made available to those who wish to start the initiative in their own city or neighbourhood. The purpose is to make it as easy as possible to start new groups and to develop and embed them. The starter kits include a description of the concept; a script of how to start and root an initiative, initial training of the volunteers, a guide to founding and running an association or a network, ongoing knowledge sharing, networking sessions, logos, and support and counselling from us at the Foundation for Social Responsibility.