Our initiatives

The Foundation for Social Responsibility is an umbrella organization and we have five different initiatives. The initiatives have specific solutions to serious social problems in our society.

baba strengthens fathers' roles in their children’s lives.

baba teaches ethnic minority fathers to use their resources to become good, active role models for their children and active participants in their local communities. Active and present fathers reduce the risk of radicalization and crime and increases the children’s' physical and mental health, as well as the chance of the children getting an education.

Read more at www.baba.dk or get in touch asim@socialtansvar.dk

Neighbourhood Mothers
The Neighbourhood Mothers bring hope and change to the life of other women. The Neighbourhood Mothers are primarily women with an ethnic minority background, who do voluntary work in their local area by supporting isolated and vulnerable women. The Neighbourhood Mothers listen, convey important information and build bridges between women and society. This help gives the women strength to help themselves, their children and their families.

Read more at www.bydelsmor.dk or get in touch bydelsmor@socialtansvar.dk


LifeMap helps young people who are not thriving. The purpose of the app LifeMap is to help and guide students, when they experience challenges in their lives. In LifeMap students tell personal stories about the challenges they have experienced and how they got help. Furthermore, the app guides students to places where they can find professional help.

Read more at www.lifemap.dk or get in touch fonden@socialtansvar.dk

Night Owls

The Night Owls are present in the nightlife and create security and safety for young people who, for various reason, needs a friendly and responsible adult. The Night Owls' presence in the nightlife prevents vandalism, violence and crime.

Read more at www.natteravnene.dk or get in touch natteravnene@socialtansvar.dk